---Hikari Freeze Dried Blood Worms

Formula 0.42 oz 1.76 oz

*Note that this product is going through a packaging change and you may receive new or old packaging*

An excellent, higher protein, natural food for most tropical and select marine fishes. This highly flavorful treat in a freeze dried form is typically accepted by almost any fish it is fed. Our pharmaceutical-grade freeze-drying techniques allow us to give you a product as close to fresh blood worms as humanly possible. Expect color, texture, and taste not previously available in a freeze-dried food.

  • Treat

An Excellent Live Food Alternative

  • Excellent natural protein source free of harmful parasites and bacteria
  • A meaty treat most tropical fish and goldfish love
  • A food source most freshwater fish feed on in the wild

Bio-Encapsulated Multi-Vitamin Rich

  • Makes vitamins available to your aquatic pet that the live animal would not offer
  • Gut-loaded to assure each bite contains what we know your fish need
  • Encapsulated to avoid utilization by the blood worm before freezing

Better Value

  • Lower moisture levels means more food by weight
  • Nitrogen charging reduces chances of oxidation
  • Lower actual cost per feeding than competitive products

Ideal For: Most Freshwater and limited marine environments especially eels, livebearers, American cichlids, discus and selected aquatic reptiles.

Available Sizes: 0.42 oz / 1.76 oz