Food Sticks™ are a complete, scientifically formulated nutrient mix, developed for top-feeding carnivorous fish whose main diet of live food tends to cause nutritional deficiencies. Using Food Sticks™ instead of live foods reduces the chance of infection from parasites or bacteria which tend to hitchhike in live foods.
- Floating Food
- Daily Diet
- Colour Enhancing
- Growth
A Unique Texture Large Fish Love
- Can completely eliminate the need for live fish feeding
- A unique blend of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and amino acids all perfectly balanced to offer a daily diet most top-feeding carnivores love
- Free of unwanted parasites and bacteria which are common hitch hikers with most live foods
- Higher levels of carotenoids promote the development of brilliant colors not common in carnivorous fish kept in an indoor aquarium void of natural sunlight
- Key ingredients in this floating pellet allow us to produce a diet that helps most top-feeding carnivores develop their true form over time
A Pellet Designed With A Purpose
- Absorbs water rapidly taking on a texture of a live fish
- A highly flavorful, easily digested nutrient mix
- Contains stabilized vitamin C to support immune system health
- Three sticks offer the caloric equivalent to approximately one live goldfish
Available Sizes: 8.8 oz / 2.2 lb