- Natural latex pet mattressHomestead Rabbit Familyettes

Size 50LB

Homestead® Rabbit Feeds are formulated with quality ingredients, including high quality alfalfa meal to help provide optimal nutrition for all life stages and optimal levels of lysine and methionine for muscle growth and fur quality.

Rabbit Familyettes is ideal for the milking doe and her young, growing rabbits, meat-producing rabbits, fur-producing or show rabbits and breeding bucks.  It is the recommended diet for the rabbit producer who uses only one product.

Complete Balance Of All Essential Nutrients
Homestead Rabbit Feeds will meet the rabbits’ nutrient requirements for all phases of life.

Easy to handle, improved consumption and results in less feed wastage.

Balanced Fiber, Energy and Protein Levels
Fiber, energy and protein are provided in the proper proportions for improved production.  Additional feeding of roughage is not necessary.

Contain High Quality Alfalfa Meal
A high quality protein source that enhances palatability.

Optimal Levels of Amino Acids
Research shows that feeding the optimal level of lysine results in faster muscle growth and feeding the optimal level of methionine results in improved fur quality.

Contain Yeast Culture and Probiotics
Yeast culture and probiotics have been shown to improve fermentation conditions in the large intestine and caecum (hind gut) which improves fiber digestion.  Rabbits have specific fiber needs that must be balanced with the protein and energy levels for high production.

Contains Schidigera Extract
Schidigera extract has been shown to reduce ammonia levels in the rabbitry.  Lower ammonia levels improve overall air quality and reduce objectionable odors which help to improve performance.

Contain Mold Inhibitor
Addition of mold inhibitors helps improve storage life and avoid mold related problems.


For the rabbit producer who wants only one food, Rabbit Familyettes is the recommended product.  It should be fed as follows:

  • Lactating does and bunnies:  On the first day after kindling, feed 2 to 4 ounces of Rabbit Familyettes per day.  Gradually increase 1 ounce daily to free-choice within 4 to 5 days.
  • Gestating does:  Feed approximately 4 to 6 ounces of Rabbit Familyettes per day.  Feeding rate should be adjusted to maintain desired weight and body condition.  Do not allow gestating does to become either over or under conditioned.

Gradually switch to 4 to 5 ounces of Rabbit Familyettes after kindling.  After 4 days. lactating does and bunnies may be fed Rabbit Familyettes Free-choice until weaning.

  • Weaned bunnies:  Feed Rabbit Familyettes free-choice.
  • Dry does, bucks and pets:  Feed Rabbit Familyettes free-choice.  Average size rabbit will consume 4 to 6 ounces per day.  Feeding rate should be adjusted to maintain desired weight.  Do not allow breeding does or bucks to gain excessive weight.
  • Show rabbits:  Feed Rabbit Familyettes free-choice. Feeding rate can be adjusted to maintain desired weight and body condition.  For extra bloom during show, top-dress NutriPreme®.

Important Note:  Feeding recommendations for New Zealand size animals.  For other breeds adjust feed intake as needed for size.