- Pregnant cat delivery room warming boxShow-Rite Throttled Up

Size 50LB

Show-Rite® Throttled Up is a high-energy, high-fat complete feed formulated to maximize show cattle performance and provide the “bloom” and smooth finish needed to “go for the purple.”


Crude Protein, min 12.0%
Crude Fat, min 4.0%
Crude Fiber, max 8.0%
Calcium 0.8 – 1.3%
Salt 0.4 – 0.9%
Phosphorus, min 0.3%
Potassium, min 0.7%
Vitamin A, min 4,000 IU/lb.
Vitamin D, min 400 IU/lb.
Vitamin E, min 7 IU/lb.



Refer to the product tag for a complete list of ingredients.


Show-Rite THROTTLED UP Cattle Finisher: Feed Throttled UpTM to finishing steers and market heifers weighing from approximately 750 pounds to finish, along with access to good quality forage. Make free-choice plain white salt available along with a clean, fresh source of drinking water.


  • Water – Cattle should have access to clean, fresh water at all times.
  • Make feed changes gradually, over at least a five day time period. 
  • Never feed any feedstuffs that are moldy, musty or suspect in any way.

WARNING: This product, which contains added copper, should not be fed to sheep or related species that have a low tolerance to copper.  This product has been formulated specifically for beef and is not intended for other species.